Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Working with recruiters: Helpful or a waste of time?

When job hunting, many people wonder if it’s worth their time to reach out to recruiters. Well, it’s not always as simple as a solid yes or no. It often depends on the situation. Here are some guidelines for knowing when they can help.

Who Pays Them And How?

Some recruiters work for a specific company directly while others freelance or work for a hiring agency with multiple companies as clients. Also, some are on the company payroll while others work on commission. The ones working for one company may be less interested in finding you the right fit while those on commission may be anxious to place you anywhere to get paid.

It’s also important to note that you can’t “hire a recruiter” as people often phrase it, as they already work for someone else. They can still work in your best interest but their motives can often make a big difference.

The Right Person For The Job

Recruiters have a vested interest in placing the right person with a company, but they don’t necessarily have a vested interest in what’s right for you. If you’re looking for guidance on where to work, how to find the right place, and what things to look for than a recruiter probably isn’t your best bet. You may want to work with a career coach for guidance and use a recruiter later on for specific company placement.

It’s About Who You Know

While recruiters can be helpful in some situations, it isn’t the best or fastest way to get a job. Networking is still the quickest and most effective method. It also has a lot of benefits from a time and effort standpoint.

The Verdict

All things considered, they aren’t a waste of time, but they’re best utilized under the right circumstances. They aren’t the be-all-end-all of the job hunt and you shouldn’t neglect working with others in your industry for them. As long as you remember those things, you can use them to your advantage when necessary.



