Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Oren Safdie

■ Date and place of birth: April 20, 1965, Montreal, Canada

■ Family: Wife, actress and playwright MJ Kang and daughter, Mia, 15

■ Best advice I ever received: You know you’ve found your passion if you’re willing to go anywhere to pursue it.

■ Question I get asked the most: Do I know you?

■ If I was stranded on a desert island, I’d have to have: A small theater, of course!

■ What’s always in my refrigerator: Dandelion.

■ My current read: “It’s a Slippery Slope” by Spalding Gray

■ Something you may be surprised to learn about me: I fly three hours by plane every week to teach at St. Olaf College in Minnesota. This is down from five hours when I used to teach at University of Miami.

■ My fitness routine is: a 6 mile run in the morning, an hour of Tae Kwon Do training in the evening.

■ If I had an extra hour in the day: I’d write.

■ The last great play I saw: “The First Deep Breath” by Lee Edward Colston II.

■ If my life were written for the stage, the actor I’d pick to play me would be: Michael Aloni (“Shtisel”).

■ A word to sum me up: Loyal.



