Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Jokes for spring

Shake off your winter blues with some sunny, funny jokes!

Why are frogs so happy? They eat whatever bugs them!

What goes up when the rain goes down? Umbrellas!

Why is the letter A like a flower? A “b” comes after it!

Which bug is related to you? Your aunt!

Why was the baby strawberry sad? His mom was in a jam!

How did the bee brush his hair? With a honeycomb!

Can bees fly in the rain? Not without their yellow jackets!

Why did the bird go to the hospital? It needed tweet-ment!

What kind of bow can’t be tied or untied? A rainbow!

What kind of flower should a boy give his mom? A son-flower!

What kind of garden does a baker have? A flour garden!

How do you know flowers are friendly? They always have new buds!

What’s a tree’s favorite drink? Root beer!

Why couldn’t the flower ride a bike? It lost its petals!

Official Kids Mag


